Bio-economy World

Bio-economy World is a gamified course that introduces young persons to the bio-economy, a new model for industry that involves the use of renewable natural resources to sustainably produce goods and services. The learner-player is exposed to various bio-economy concepts through the endeavours of Lateisha Learner, a 16 year old girl from a rural community in the Caribbean. Due to the effects of Climate Change, the farm Lateisha grew up on has begun to suffer, and Lateisha is worrying about the future of her parents’ farm. She is determined to find a way to preserve their livelihood and embarks on a quest for knowledge and adventure to save the family farm. Lateisha’s journey takes the learner/player through the course levels. Players gain knowledge by interacting with game characters and earn points and prizes when they acquire information, explore the game world and undertake challenges and quizzes. The link to access the gamified course is:
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Hey there, my name is Alexandra and I am part of the Socialab team. Welcome to the Play Challenge! Thank you for submitting your application. I have reviewed your responses and have no further comments or recommendations. Cheers!
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Hello Alexandra. It is good to hear from your. Thanks for your message.
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abre el 21 de julio

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