The Helping Hands

I hope that the ideation challenge is seeking ideas for the situations such as floods, typhoon, earthquake, etc. One of the major immediate necessity for such situations is food and shelter. Although, non-profit organizations such as UNICEF try to help the needy it still falls way behind in providing for all.
From a common-mans perspective, many of us want to help in whatever small quantity we can for the needy people in such disaster situations.
But, always the questions are - How? Where? What? Who? When?
To help, We do not know, where we can give or what we can give or how we can give or whom to give?
Although UNICEF is a huge organization, its still just one and its resources are limited, given a small amount of time (72 hours) to amass and help.
My idea, is that UNICEF should setup small camps in the cities/towns adjacent to the disaster effected places for common man to join and help the needy. This should take place within the first 12-24 hours after the disaster.
1) UNICEF can reach to the people in the adacent city/town by social media, electronic media, a vehicle with publicizing speakers and banners, so that the common man knows where and what he can help with.
2) At the camps, willing people can join and become UNICEF members for these 72 hours and help in the cause. (This can be done by giving away arm-Bands/ Badges/ Tags of UNICEF)
But, for this scheme to be successful, UNICEF should train some of its members and groups with the necessary knowledge needed to lead such a camp. As a pre-emptive step, UNICEF should involve as many universities and high-schools as possible, so that they can significantly reduce the reaction time and the ammasing time for gathering all the help.
The central theme of this proposition is --- all that is needed by the disaster suffered people is something to eat and something to cover themselves with. These can be helped with, by most of the common men. The only thing he/she needs is the place and the sign showing them that this is where you can help the needy.
"The more the helping hands, the better is the help. One hand can't reach all".
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First 72 Hours

Soluciones que entreguen una respuesta rápida frente a las necesidades básicas y humanitarias producidas por una emergencia o catástrofe

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